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Aug. 25th Finissage: Movement Performance "Blue Print" @ Gallerie Pankow

July 17th - Aug. 25th WHAT ARE WE MADE OF?, Gallerie Pankow, Berlin, GE

June 22nd - Aug. 4th Fotobiënnale Wieringen, NL


Curated & self-organized

​2023  EVEN STILTE, European Month of Photography, EXPOOST, Hoorn, NL

2022  INNER LANDSCAPES, with Marié Nobematsu, Mariakapel (HMK), Hoorn, NL 

Group exhibitions & screenings

2023  Van Gogh Museum, Museum Night, Amsterdam, NL 

2023  Collaboration Van Gogh Museum @Amsterdam Ferry Festival: The Modern Landscape

2023  TUMULT, Alte Münze, Berlin, GE

2023  19th Julia Margaret Cameron Award, FotoNostrum Gallery, Barcelona, ES

2023  BEGEGNUNG, European Month of Photography, Kunsthalle Berlin, GE

2023  EVEN STILTE, European Month of Photography, EXPOOST, Hoorn, NL

2022  Short film screening Kino Krokodil, Berlin, GE. 

2022  Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival, Dresden, GE. 

2022  REMAINS publication & exhibition release, Kick, Athens, GR

2021  Kupferstichkabinett, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, GE. ​

2021  IPSO FACTO, Kühlhaus Berlin, GE. 
2020  Video Art festival, Kurt Muehlenhaupt museum, Berlin GE. 
2020  Humboldthain club, Berlin, GE
2020  Exhibition on the Spree, KHB, Berlin, GE
2020  LICHTBLICK, muted video exhibition, Berlin, GE
2019  Rundgang Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, GE
2019  Gustav Adolf Church, Berlin, GE
2019  Wechselraum, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin, GE
2018  Rundgang Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, GE
2018  Video screening Kino Tarragona, ES
2018  Video screening Kino Paris, FR
2018  Video screening Kino Leipzig, GE
2017  Theater LeBelle, Amsterdam, NL​

Awards, grants, nominations 

2023  Commissioned by Van Gogh Museum: photographic interpretation of The Modern Landscape, @Amsterdam Ferry festival, Amsterdam, NL

2022  Honorable mention 19th Julia Margaret Cameron Award for women photographers, professional section, fine art category

2022  Nominee Verstärker Kunst-Film-Festival, Dresden, GE. 


2023  Featured in Parool, NL

2023  Featured in Focus Magazine, NL

2022  Remains, RAID Stockholm, SE

Self published

2021  'Moving Through', Amsterdam, NL 


2020  Fine Arts, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weissensee, GE
2012  MA Sociology, University of Amsterdam, NL
2009  BA Psychology, University of Amsterdam, NL​


Selected workshops

2022  Self-Portrait Experience course (SPEX); using photography for personal transformation, by artist Cristina Nuñez
2020  7day Photography workshop with Magnum photographer Nikos Economopoulos, Naples, IT

Academic conferences 
2013  Interdisciplinary Conference Emotional Geographies/'Senses & City Life", University of Groningen, NL
2012  Faculty of Humanities and Arts, Rosario, ARG​

My projects are inspired by the human inner landscape and its reflections outside, in nature. I see the camera as a transformative tool for exploring different layers. I'm interested in the analogies between the language of inner growth and imagery. 

“A man sets out to draw the world. As the years go by, he peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms, mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, instruments, stars, horses, and individuals. A short time before he dies, he discovers that the patient labyrinth of lines traces the lineaments of his own face.” Jorge L. Borges.


I was born in 1985 in Hoorn, right at the Lake IJssel, in the northwest of the Netherlands. After an academic studies in psychology I continued studying art. 


​​Contact me if you have ideas for collaborations, commissions, to purchase a print, or just to connect!

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